Is It Necessary To Impose Your CAD Standards On Design Consultants?

Is It Necessary To Impose Your CAD Standards On Design Consultants?

Computer-Aided Design (CAD)/Computer-Aided Design and Drafting (CADD) has revolutionized the workflow across the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry,…

How to Change the Metric (MM) Drawing Units to Imperial (Inches) in AutoCAD® or ZWCAD®

How to Change the Metric (MM) Drawing Units to Imperial (Inches) in AutoCAD® or ZWCAD®

Architects and engineers in many countries, such as the Philippines, use metric units of measurement. These units include millimeters,…

How To Export and Import a Tool Palette in CAD

How To Export and Import a Tool Palette in CAD

When creating drawings in CAD, drawing standards play a significant role in preserving the output’s uniformity, workmanship, and quality…

How To Create and Use A Tool Palette In CAD

How To Create and Use A Tool Palette In CAD

Architect. Are you still using the age-old technique of storing your drawing standards (blocks, annotations, and symbols) in the…

The Never-Ending Final Drawing: How To Put An End To The Architect’s File Naming Misery

The Never-Ending Final Drawing: How To Put An End To The Architect’s File Naming Misery

Architect. I bet you had a good little laugh with this post’s headline and feature image. And why is…

Energy Metering: How Much Electricity Does My Home Office Consume In A Month?

Energy Metering: How Much Electricity Does My Home Office Consume In A Month?

I keep a list of overhead expenses that I update from time to time in my office. It helps…

How To Add a Custom Paper Size in CAD

How To Add a Custom Paper Size in CAD

Have you experienced doing a project that requires you to submit the drawings printed on a paper that is…

How To Create and Import a Plot Style In CAD

How To Create and Import a Plot Style In CAD

Are you feeling the itch to create your plot style in CAD? Scratch that itch now. Let me teach…

How To Create A Sheet Using A Drawing Template in CAD

How To Create A Sheet Using A Drawing Template in CAD

Here at The Solo Architect, we offer digital assets for Architects, Interior Designers, other related professionals, freelancers, and students…